Society Elects to Purchase and Install DMR Repeater

Society Secretary and Repeater Trustee, John Walker, proposed to the membership at the November 16 member’s meeting to purchase and install a DMR repeater in the Shelbyville area. After a presentation by representatives from the Hoosier DMR Net at the September members meeting about the DMR repeater system in Indiana, several local members purchased some DMR radios and began exploring the world of DMR digital radio. It soon became evident that it would be necessary to have a repeater here in Shelbyville in order to take full advantage of the DMR repeater network.

The Society will be purchasing a top grade Motorola DMR repeater that will work in the UHF band. Almost all DMR repeaters for amateur radio use function in the UHF band. Once all of the repeater equipment is procured, the repeater system will be located at Drake Electric with the antenna mounted on their tower. This is the location for the Society’s 2 meter Yaesu Fusion repeater.

Weather permitting, we are hoping to have this new repeater up and running before year’s end.