Indiana Section Leader Calls for 2016 Bicentennial Special Event Stations

Our Section Leader has made a call for 2016 Bicentennial Special Event Station ideas. BRVARS did a special event station earlier this year in conjunction with the Grover Museum, W9S, celebrating the display of vintage radio equipment that was on display at the Museum. Perhaps we could come up with something for the State’s Bicentennial year that is somehow historically associated with Shelby County or Shelbyville(maybe, even St. Paul). If you have any ideas for a special event station please pass them on to either me, John Walker, K9SVL or to one of the persons listed below. Please give this some thought. We had a lot of fun with the W9S special event station. Below is an excerpt from this months Indiana Section Newsletter concerning the subject.

“During the ARRL 100th Anniversary Celebration last year, one of the most popular activities was the portable W1AW station moving from state to state. That reactivated many hams that hadn’t operated HF in years and brought them back to the hobby. As I’ve traveled to club meetings around the state, I’ve heard several hams comment how they wish we could do something like that again. Indiana has that opportunity next year.
2016 marks the 200th Anniversary of Indiana Statehood. The ARRL Indiana Section proposes to host a year of historical special event stations to celebrate our bicentennial. We are looking for amateur radio clubs that have some notable event or significant place in Indiana history that they would like to highlight. Think about Indiana firsts or places that everyone identifies with Indiana. At this point, we need responses from clubs with a good idea for a special event, a suitable location, and who are willing to commit to operate the special event. Clubs wishing to participate should contact either:

We’ll use initial response to this project to gauge interest. Please discuss this opportunity in club membership and Board meetings. Let us hear if you want to celebrate Indiana’s Bicentennial on the air.
Joseph, K9RFZ”