Society Members Assemble Antennas and Raise Tower

Over the past few weekends, Society members assembled antennas and raised a 50 foot tower for fellow Society member Guy Sever, K9ZB. Society members Bob Westwater, N9BK; Brian Evers, KC9UGG; Ron Bush, KC9RMV; Bill Price KC9ZMT; Pat Wagner, WA9AAV; Gregg Steele, K9CDB and John Walker, K9SVL all pitched in at various times and got the project completed. As you can see in the pictures below, the variety of antennas pretty much covers the entire number of frequency bands available to amateur radio operators. This was what you would call a very heavy lifting project, there was no walking-up this structure. You can also see that we made very good use of Bob Westwater’s pickup truck. This certainly turned out to be a team project and some very good ideas and suggestions along the way from those working on the project got this mission accomplished. This was a very good exercise in teamwork for sure.


Click on this link to see video of tower raising. Link takes you to N9BK’s, Bob Westwater, website where the video resides.