Pictured is Pat Wagner, WA9AAV, working CW(Morse Code) from the lobby of the Grover Museum in Shelbyville. Numerous contacts around country have been made operating the CW mode of transmission.
The officers of the Society are proposing some changes to the Constitution and By-Laws so that the Society may move forward in obtaining non-profit organization status(501(c)(7)). This status would be of benefit to the Society if we needed to apply for grant money if we had to replace our repeaters or encountered some other expense that was beyond the scope of our present treasury. The proposed Constitution and By-Laws will be presented to the membership at the March meeting for a vote. Copies were made available to the membership at the January dinner meeting. Copies will be mailed out to members who were unable to attend the meeting. Click on the link below for the proposed Consitution and By-Laws:
Proposed Constitution and By-Laws.
Our Special Event Station, W9S, celebrating “100 Years of Radio in Shelby County, Indiana,” is on the air at the Grover Museum in Shelbyville, IN. We will be on the air from the Museum lobby January 10th, 17th and 24th during regular Museum hours weather permitting. All stations logged will be sent a commemorative QSL card based on your address in QRZ. The QRZ page for W9S is now updated to reflect current information for this special event. All contacts through January 17th have been uploaded to QRZ. Pictures above are of the vintage radio equipment on display at the Grover Museum in Shelbyville, IN.
K9SVL and N9BK working stations under Special Event call sign W9S in the Grover Museum lobby.
W9S Special Event QSL card to be sent to all stations contacted. This is a representation of the QSL card and the actual card sent may vary slightly from this design. We would love to get a QSL card from you as well. We will post them in the display gallery at the Museum for the 3 month long exhibition of antique radio artifacts.
The $10 Annual Membership Dues for 2015 are now due. You can make payment to the Society’s Treasurer, Brian Evers, KC9UGG, 7746 N Michigan Rd, Fairland, IN 46126. You can mail payment to Brian or make payment at the next regular Society meeting.
The BRVARS Anuual Dinner Meeting will be held at the Grover Museum on January 17th, 2015 at 6:00PM in the Jones Gallery on the lower level. The meal will be cooked by the Lewis Creek Baptist Church and will be $13/plate. Reservations can be made with and payment sent to our Treasurer, Brian Evers, KC9UGG. 317-835-9234. We need reservations as soon as possible so we can plan for an adequate amount of food for the dinner. The Jones Gallery will be full of radio artifacts for the “100 Years of Radio in Shelby County” exhibit. I think that will make for a perfect setting for the Radio Club dinner. We certainly hope to see you there.
The Club is once again affiliated with the ARRL. Our affiliation with the ARRL had been deactivated when the percentage of Club members that are ARRL members dropped below 50%. The Club has been affiliated with the ARRL since 1976 and our current Charter reflects that start date.
BRVARS in conjunction with the Shelby County Historical Society/Grover Museum is putting together a display of vintage radio equipment spanning the past 100 years. The display will cover broadcast radio of all types, including Amateur Radio, AM Radio, FM Radio, Television, Commercial Radio and inventions of radio products from the local Area. Grover Museum will be hosting the display during January, February and March of 2015. BRVARS will be operating a special event station, W9S, from the Museum Lobby on several Saturdays during January. We are looking for licensed Hams to volunteer to operate the station on those Saturdays. Please contact John Walker, K9SVL at 317.402.5000 for a time slot.
There is no charge for touring the Museum including the Radio display.
Welcome to the home of the Blue River Valley Amateur Radio Society. Informative information for your benefit will be showing up on the pages of this website in the future. We will make every attempt to keep you up to date on everything concerning the Society and its activities.
Take a minute to look around and get used to the new site. Many things from the old site are here, and many new features were added. We will be adding things as we go along. If you have any suggestions for items that should be on the website please let me know.
John Walker, K9SVL, Secretary