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37th Annual Columbus Hamfest

Rush County Storm Spotter Training

48th Annual Indianapolis Hamfest and ARRL Statee Convention
47TH Annual Indianapolis Hamfest
W9JUQ Past Society Call Sign Picked Up By Son of Bob Eberhart
I received the following email on September 18 from Steve Eberhart, son of Bob Eberhart(SK), indicating that he was in the process of picking up his Dad’s former call sign that was held by the Society for many years.
Last year, the Society decided to pick up the call sign of Don Miller(SK), W9NTP, at the request of his Widow, Sandra Miller.
Hi John,
After my father, Bob Eberhart’s death the Blue River Valley Amateur
Radio Society (BRVARS) applied for and was issued his call sign W9JUQ.
I now see that BRVARS has been issued Don Miller’s W9NTP call sign and
has turned back my father’s W9JUQ.
My current call sign is W9BOJ (General class) which was my mothers.
Today I applied for my father’s original W9JUQ call sign under the close
relative provision for Vanity call signs. I anticipate the two year
wait being waved. I know my father would have been very pleased that
BRVARS used his call sign for all these years and I also know that he
would have been a huge supporter of the club adopting Don’s call sign.
Thank you for honoring my father like you did.
Steve Eberhart
I think that our concerns over the disposition of the W9JUQ call sign can be set aside now that Steve will be picking up the call as his own. Sometimes, things just seem to fall right into place as they should.
John Walker, Secretary
Support the Amateur Radio Parity Act – You can make a difference!
Fellow Indiana Hams,
We have an opportunity to positively affect Amateur Radio for years to
come. H.R. 1301, the Amateur Radio Parity Act, has unanimously passed
the House of Representatives and moved on to the Senate for
consideration. All you need to do is spend two minutes of your time
send an email to your two Senators supporting the Bill. By doing so,
you will have helped the future of Amateur Radio by guaranteeing our
ability to have an effective outdoor antenna in a deed-restricted
The number of people living in such communities grows exponentially
each year. Often, a ham homeowner has no choice but to live in a
community restricted by covenants. There are nearly 3/4 of a million
licensed hams in the United States, more than ever before. But that
may change if we are forced to live in a community that refuses to
allow an antenna.
Help yourself and help your fellow hams. Go to this link:
Enter your zip code and follow the prompts. The letters are there.
All you need to do is fill in the blanks, hit save, then send.
That’s it. Under 2 minutes and you’re done.
If you haven’t yet done so, please do so today. Your voice counts!
Please be sure to share this message with everyone you know regardless
if they are a licensed ham or not. We can use all the support that we
can get!
ARRL Indiana Section
Section Manager: Mr Brent A Walls, N9BA
[email protected]
220 MHz Repeater Net, Thursdays @ 8:00PM
The weekly 220MHz repeater net runs every Thursday evening now at 8:00PM. You can join in on the net on the BRVARS 220MHz repeater located here in Shelbyville. The repeater frequency is 224.44 MHz. There is no PL tone on this repeater. Say you have no 220 MHz radio, then tune your UHF radio to either 443.900 or 441.350 MHz with a 77 Hz PL tone and you can get on the network through one of the UHF hub repeaters.